The Gardener (2025)


The Gardener (2025)
 IMDB Rating:

5.5/10 from 108 votes IMDb

  Original Name:


Action Comedy

 Starring by:

Jean-Claude Van Damme Michaël Youn Nawell Madani

 Directed by:

David Charhon







 Story Plot: Every year the Prime Minister has a list of all kinds of troublemakers eliminated in the name of the famous Reason of State. Serge Shuster, Special Adviser to the President of the Republic, finds himself on this list, better known as the Matignon List. Condemned to certain death and at the heart of an implacable plot and a state secret that also put his family in danger, Serge, his wife and children have only one hope left - their gardener, Léo, who hates it when « slugs » invade his garden... Especially those that want to kill innocent families.

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